Greenhouse Garden

A historical garden that provides fresh produce to the nearby community.

A greenhouse that is currently being sustained and grown by Youth Farm.

The Greenhouse Garden is a garden in Frogtown with historical roots. It was originally the Dale Street Greenhouse which was gas station that had been converted into a greenhouse. Until it closed in 2006, it was St. Paul’s oldest greenhouse that existed in its original location. The original greenhouse was opened in 1896.

Today, the original greenhouse structure no longer exists, but instead the house of the original owner, Christian Bussjaeger, as well as a large garden remains. It’s a different type of community garden in that there aren’t any individual plots, but rather one large garden for community members to partake in.

When harvest is available, people simply take what they need and leave the rest for other community members. Towards the end of July any extra vegetables are taken to a local food shelf.

Cherry Flowers, Linda Littrell and Norma Roberts-Hakizimana helped further develop the site as part of Urban Farming, a Frogtown urban agricultural site. Amanda Welliver with NeighborWorks Home Partners and Youth Farms now share the site and encourage neighbors to participate with growing produce for the neighborhood.

The Greenhouse Garden has been used as a site for a number of community events.

Access Information:

There isn't a parking lot available, but rather street parking off of Dale and neighboring side streets.

Street Address:

533 Dale Street North, Saint Paul, MN [map]

Official Website:

Cite this Page:

Kaitlyn Prothero , “Greenhouse Garden,” Urban Farm and Garden Alliance Archive, accessed September 10, 2024,

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